East Valley K9 Services


Your Dog’s Stinky Issue No One Wants to Talk About

Your Dog’s Stinky Issue No One Wants to Talk About

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Warning! The following content is stinky and gross, but it’s crucial to your dog’s overall health to know what your dog’s stinky issue is.

Ok sure, no one wants to talk about their dog’s anal glands! But unless these glands are functioning as nature intended, your dog will suffer from discomfort, pain and an infection that could become a chronic threat to his overall well-being!

Got your attention? Good, let’s talk!

Anal Glands: 101

Anal glands are much more than just stinky glands that may need regular attention, depending on your dog. Did you know the fluid in these glands (consisting of oils and sweat with a strong smell) – like your dog’s urine – is used to mark their territory with a unique signature scent? It’s true!

Also known as “anal sacs” (because they are not technically glands), they are embedded in the layers of the rectum muscles and naturally “express” themselves during a bowel movement, unless there is a problem.

Pain, discomfort and horrible smells arise when these sacs become blocked or impacted.

Signs Your Dog’s Anal Glands Need Some Love

word image 1052 2 Your Dog's Stinky Issue When the anal glands don’t naturally express themselves during defecation, they become painful and foul-smelling. If not addressed promptly, it can also lead to uncomfortable swelling, chronic infection and potential abscesses for your 4-legged family member.

So how do you know when the anal glands need attention? Below are 6 telltale signs:

  1. Scooting on the floor and/or ground.
  2. Persistent licking or biting his butt area (making it worse) or chasing his tail.
  3. Bad breath and/or bad odor.
  4. Straining and/or crying when pooping.
  5. Discomfort when trying to sit or stand.
  6. Blood around the dog’s anus, in their stool or on your floor from scooting.

Breeds Prone to Anal Gland Issues

word image 1052 3 Your Dog's Stinky Issue While anal gland disease is more likely in small breed dogs (see which ones below), dogs of all ages, breeds and genders can be affected with this condition. (Anal glands can also affect cats, although it’s not as common as it is with dogs.)

  • Beagle
  • Chihuahua
  • Miniature Poodle
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Lhasa Apso

Finally, Some Good News!

word image 1052 4 Your Dog's Stinky Issue Anal glands can naturally “take care of business” with a little help from you.

  • Feed a high-quality diet high in fiber and low in fat.
  • Include enough fiber:
    • Upgrade your dog’s food; or
    • Add canned pumpkin (not the pie mix!); or
    • Add a psyllium fiber supplement.

Helps firm up the stool and keep your dog regular, but don’t do too much too soon.

    • A healthy weight for your dog’s breed, age and height.
    • Allergies: eliminate any allergies that cause inflammation.
  • Fish/vegan Omega-3 supplements to relieve itching and inflammation.

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    • Fiber-broth to help cleanse the colon. Click here for the recipe.
    • Warm compresses using regular or salted water, repeat every hour.
    • Exercise: regular and energetic.
    • Regularly express the anal glands (DIY or by your vet or groomer).
    • Veterinary intervention:
      • Anti-inflammatory drugs
      • Antibiotics
      • Surgery: Only in extreme, high-risk cases (as a last resort)

Congratulations, you’ve graduated from K9 Anal Glands: 101! While not the easiest subject, your dog will be so grateful you took the time to learn how to help him with this important health issue.

word image 1052 6 Your Dog's Stinky Issue

Hey Fido!

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AND get a pretty new leash to show off!

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Additional Reading:

  1. Dog Anal Glands: The DIY Solution to Stinky Problems
  2. Holistic Options for Canine Anal Glands Issues
  3. 12 Ways to Prevent and Treat Anal Glands in Dogs
  4. Anal Glands – Why Dogs Have Them & What to Do When They’re a Problem

Image Credits (Shown in Order):

  1. Image by christels from Pixabay
  2. Photo by Steshka Willems from Pexels
  3. Image by Kshitij Prakash from Pixabay
  4. Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay
  5. Image by Katrina_S from Pixabay
  6. Image by Helena Sushitskaya from Pixabay


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