Fact, a WET dog is a HAPPY dog and wants to be even closer to you! But, unfortunately, a wet dog is also a stinky dog.
Why is that?
There is nothing more fun than sharing summer activities with your canine friend especially around water! But … that is where the fun ends when you’re faced with a wet and stinky dog! Turns out, there is a natural (and gross) reason for this stinky problem.
Proceed with caution (you’ve been warned)!
A Simple Reason for the Stink!
According to British chemistry teacher, Andy Brunning, the wet dog “fragrance” is due to the tiny critters that naturally live on your dog. In other words, microorganisms (also known as microbes) that take up residence on your canine (including yeasts and bacteria).
In a nutshell, it is all about chemistry + biology.
It is not these organisms themselves that smell, it is the “micro excreta” they leave behind on your dog. Yes, you heard that right … “excreta” (or waste byproducts) in the form of urine, feces and sweat, the foundation of the infamous wet dog smell. When your dog’s wet coat begins to dry, these left-behind organic compounds begin to smell as the moisture evaporates. When these byproducts mix with water, the organic compounds break down (through a chemical reaction) – and break free – from your dog’s fur coat into the air. These “aromatic” concentrations are what you smell when your pup is wet.
Normally, 350 to 16,500 bacteria (per square centimeter) live on your dog. Humans? Typically, 100 trillion!
Aroma Chemistry and Wet Dogs
Dog smells involve a complex science that has not been thoroughly investigated. It takes into consideration multiple chemical compounds (many of which have little to no scent on their own). But when combined with water, some of these compounds (not all) increase or intensify in concentration and emit an unpleasant stinky odor. Another factor in the creation of a wet stinky dog includes the evaporation of the moisture on your dog creating more humidity around your dog which accommodates a higher concentration of smells to assault your nose!
A pilot study identified many compounds, when wet, which offered an increased concentration of odors from sulfurous and medicinal to fruity and earthy.
Interested in the chemical analysis behind wet dog smells?
Click here for a detailed infographic!
Make the Wet Dog Smell Go Away!
What can a dog owner do to get rid of the obnoxious wet dog smell? The short answer, not much outside of short-term relief. But remember, the smell is not bad or unhealthy for your dog. And we let’s be honest, dogs LOVE to smell funky, so they aren’t bothered!
The bottom line is this, we can never eliminate every microorganism on our dog to eliminate the wet dog smell and neither should we! Many of these microbes are natural and offer healthy protection for our dog’s skin.
So, while there are canine products, both over the counter and prescription, they only temporarily decrease or mask the odor with other scents we humans prefer more than “wet dog eau de perfume.”
The best things you can do is to regularly brush your dog and thoroughly dry a wet dog to help prevent odor and dirt from becoming trapped in the hairs of their fur and exacerbating the stinky wet dog smell!
We are offering Doggy Daycare
during COVID-19!
During this time, we are offering valet service for doggy daycare. We will come to your home in the morning for pick-up and drop-off your dog in the evening while adhering to social distancing guidelines.
Just email or call us at 480-382-0144.
East Valley K9 Services has got all your dog training and dog boarding needs covered in the Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe and East Valley areas of Arizona!
Additional Reading
The AKC: Why do Wet Dogs Smell So Bad?
Compound Interest: The Chemistry Behind the Smell of Wet Dogs
Wired: What’s Up with That: The Gross Chemistry Behind that Funky Wet-Dog Smell
Dogster: Why do Dogs Stink When Wet?
Image Credits (Shown in Order of Appearance):
Marian anbu juwan from Pixabay
Ferhat Uğur BULUT from Pixabay
The Smell of Wet Dog (Infographic)