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East Valley K9 Services


Angel Dogs Therapy Training

Angel Dogs Therapy Work / Training

Angel Dogs Animal Assisted Therapy for Organizations

Therapy Dog

Angel Dogs Animal Assisted Therapy & Intervention program was developed to ensure that therapy dogs in an educational or organization setting are properly trained and their individual temperament is vetted and suitable to this work.  We help owners become excellent handlers of their therapy dogs with a focus on animal advocacy and meeting ethical and best practice standards in the industry.  

We help school districts and organizations to employ a cohesive structured program with strict oversight that ensures your district can be proud of what they are offering!  This program can be customized to meet the unique goals of entities both large and small.  

Angel Dogs on campus has the ability to bring a whole new atmosphere to organizations everywhere.

We can help you bring this amazing program to your school!  You can reach out by clicking the button below.

Our Expertise

We have nationally certified trainers on staff with a combined total of over 25 years of experience training dogs.  We conduct a variety of training classes including therapy dog classes to prepare teams to take their evaluations with their respective organizations.

The last 3 years we have exclusively trained dogs for the largest school district in Arizona, turning out over 90 successful therapy dog teams using our trademarked animal assisted therapy curriculum we created especially for the school environment.

Scroll down to check out more information about this amazing program and a full list of our qualifications.


Angel Dogs, a rewarding experience…

Therapy work with a dog is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have as the handler of one of these amazing dogs. Interactions with therapy dogs (angel dogs) can make such an impact on the lives of people who benefit from and come to count on these visits. From children to the elderly and disabled, therapy dogs help to bring joy, assist in learning and provide so many other wonderful benefits to these people.

I am proud, humbled and honored to be part of this wonderful community of people dedicated to giving back, and bringing joy and comfort to those who need it most.

I owe a great debt of gratitude to my very dear friend, and mentor Eileen Tonick of Angel Dogs Training. She selflessly took me under her wing and helped me to develop a solid foundation in training dogs, learning about their psyche, how dogs think and communicate. Most importantly though, she fostered my love of therapy work and shared everything she has learned on her journey so that I can now pay it forward to all of the therapy teams I help to develop. Thank you Eileen!

Angel Dogs At A Glance:

– We build the unique infrastructure needed for each organization that will support the administration of the program.

– We conduct all of the training classes that are required for teams.

– We have private third party evaluations to ensure temperament and training standards are always being met for every team.

– Our team gives ongoing support to help maintain the program and its participants to make sure dogs are being of service all risks are being mitigated fully and the integrity of Angel Dogs is always being met.

Is your organization interested in having therapy dogs?

Other qualifications:

  • Canine Good Citizen Certified Evaluator
  • CPDT-KA (Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed)
  • Completed Dr. Ian Dunbar’s SIRIUS® Dog Trainer Academy
  • Completed AZ Dog Smart Trainer Academy receiving certifications in:
  • ​Behavior Fundamentals
  • The Art of Dog Handling
  • Clicker Training
  • Client Communications
  • Pet CPR and first aid certified.
  • Trained with and mentored by professional dog trainers in the area learning obedience techniques and specialty training skills.
  • Certified therapy dog handler through Pet Partners.
  • Registered with the National Alliance of Therapy Dogs.
  • Professional United Pet Sitters LLC, and Pet Sitters Associates.
  • Member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT)
  • Member of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP)

Class Action

Here is a peek at teams preparing to be evaluated

Steve Watson visits Dobson High School in Mesa Public Schools

$25.00 per day

Where’s Watson

Watch therapy dogs in action in the public schools

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